Stella Coastal Alliance is an educational non-profit organization whose mission is to educate local communities on ways to sustainably protect Rincon’s coastline. The options to protect our coastlines include but are not limited to Beach Nourishment, Artificial Reefs, and an Ocean Breakwater. It is our viewpoint that the community is being misled by the proposed plan for property acquisition and demolition, a [non]plan that simply allows ocean waters to move ever inland. We are here to issue a Call to Action in pursuit of a smart and sustainable solution to counter Rincon coastal erosion. Action now will protect our beaches, property, businesses, and tourism well into the future.

A Project Summary: the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has identified a significant coastal erosion problem in Puerto Rico, with Estella Rincon and Ocean Park (San Juan) being the areas at greatest risk. The U.S. Federal Government has allocated $47 Million and the Puerto Rican Government has allocated $128 Million to assist local communities in addressing this critical issue.

The current plan for Rincon, supported by Rincon’s mayor and the Governor of Puerto Rico, offer only temporary relief. According to USACE, within 10-15 years ongoing erosion will severely impact homes and infrastructure in Rincon.

Almost 60% of the Estella community depends on tourism. The existing plan, which involves demolishing homes and businesses, poses a direct threat to the livelihoods of those in the food service, gardening, cleaning, and construction sectors.

Your voice matters! Sign our petition and join the fight against coastal erosion. We need to engage local government to adopt a sustainable, long-term solution.